BCAT Pilot Project
BCAT (Birmingham Centre for Arts Therapies) ran art therapy and arts in health sessions over the same period of time for people recovering from a substance use disorder. Participants attended both sessions, benefiting from a psychotherapy and an arts experiential/production approach.
The arts in health sessions looked at a variety of topics and techniques reflecting individual and group interests. Exploring symbolism, histories and expression, through artworks i.e. Mappa Mundi, Grayson Perry’s mind maps, the coming-of-age animation Persepolis (based on the comic-book series by the Franco-Iranian artist Marjane Satrapi) and the many faces of Messerschmidt, helped inspire the group. Participants were encouraged to contribute to the art works and objects discussed at the beginning of each session and continued by creating on-going or new work. Expanding skills in their chosen media - drawing, painting, printing and clay sculpture became part of the process.
At the end of the project participants were invited to a feedback session, contributing to BCAT’s, Art Therapy - Arts In Health Conference. Further arts in health sessions were commissioned by Turning Point - Zephyr the partner service provider and individuals were given the opportunity to continue art therapy at BCAT.