Doodling A Way In
Many of the art works in this section were produced by patients referred to Sandwell Third Age Arts, an organisation supporting carers, older people with mental health needs and people with dementia. Working as a sessional artists with individuals and groups, my role involved devising activities around expressed interests, promoting enjoyment and wellbeing.
Introducing significant objects and memory books became a popular request for patients diagnosed with dementia and reports of individuals carrying around their stories with photos, family trees/maps/shorthand and in some cases morse code, became a heartening reward. Other patients, regardless of their condition, wanted to extend or pursue new interests, opening a door to explore ideas and develop skills.
The expressed wish to draw, paint, learn a craft or follow a particular path would often be fuelled by determination and compromised by illness. The joint doodles below were created with James M, who despite being unwell briefly became a willing collaborator. Sadly he was able to attend only one session.